Ponownie darwinizm kontra inteligentny projekt


  • Kenneth R. Miller


Michael J. Behe, evolution, Darwinism, irreducible complexity, reducible complexity, gene duplication, natural selection


It is a review of Michael J. Behe’s book titled Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (The Free Press, New York 1996), containing the criticism of evolutionary theory. During last years, according to the author, this is the most refined attack on Darwinian evolution, but he disagrees with Behe. He criticizes his concept of irreducible complexity and proposes his own evolutionary solution to the problem of origin of irreducibly complex biochemical systems.


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How to Cite

Miller, Kenneth R. “Ponownie Darwinizm Kontra Inteligentny Projekt”. DEMO, vol. 3, no. 23, Dec. 2004, pp. 9-30, https://ojs34.fimagis.pl/index.php/demo/article/view/19.

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