Sublime balance


  • Robert Magdziak
  • Russell F. Doolittle


Michael J. Behe, gene duplication, exon shuffling, blood clotting cascade, homology, irreducible complexity, reducible complexity


It is a review of Michael J. Behe’s book titled Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical CHAllenge to Evolution (The Free Press, New York 1996), containing the criticism of evolutionary theory. Author criticizes Behe’s thesis that irreducible complexity of biochemical systems suggest they were designed by an intelligent designer, i.e. that they were not produced gradually by the working of natural selection. According to the author, irreducible complexity can be a result of the action of evolutionary process called gene duplication. He also thinks that the reference to the supernatural factors to explain phenomena occurring in nature has the same value as explanations invoking miracles, and this, according to him, cannot be described as a scientific practice. Scientists should hold on to the principle of methodological naturalism.


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2004-12-31 — Updated on 2023-05-31




How to Cite

Magdziak, Robert, and Russell F. Doolittle. “Sublime Balance”. DEMO, vol. 3, no. 23, May 2023, pp. 55-64,